How to manage multipe keyboard on an iPhone

Tired of being annoyed by the auto corrector of the iPhone when writing in a different language from it? This How-To is for you!

Using different keyboards on an iphone can be very helpfull. The most relevant is that you can use a different grammar speller. Last but not least, you won’t be disturbed anymore by a word you didn’t wanted even thought to write.

So in this how-to we will see how to manage, use and switch between different keyboard.


Sommaire - Contents:

First step, how to add different keyboard:

iphone homescreen

1st step - My homescreenl


2nd - Settings

General Settings

3rd - Main settings

Keyboard - General Settings

4th - Keyboard settings


5th - Keyboard management


Second step: How to use those keyboards?

This post is written to help you get the most of your iphone by using different keyboard. Once you got the desired keyboards seted-up as described up in this article, you can use those keyboard and “languages” in every apps as facebook, notes, SMS… Once again with a couple of screenshots we will see how this feature work on iOS. There is two methods.

Methode #1:

This #1 method is very simple. It consist by rolling over every keyboard. So if you have many keyboard, you will have to be patient 😉

A couple of screenshots will explain this #1 solution with the notes app.


1st step - Notes app with the default keyboard (french in my case)

Second Keyboard

2nd step - Second keyboard (english QWERTY)

Third Keyboard

3rd step - Third keyboard (Emoticones)

Fourth keyboard equal first

4th and last step - Back to first keyboard

Methode #2:

This method is the simplest. Just press and hold the world key (close to the space bar) for a second and hold it and drag to the desired keyboard. That’s it! 😉

Menu to change iPhone keyboard

Keyboard changing by using the menu

I’m done with this how-to, hope you liked it and it has been usefull for you 😉 By the way, this English version has been written from my iPhone with an English keyboard 😉 and the wordpress app!

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